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This file is distributed with Calendar Keeper V3.x and is not intended to
be distributed by itself.
Calendar Keeper (c) 1991 Dataphile Software. All rights reserved.
HelpPage = 0 (REGISTRATION FORM) Follows
Calendar Keeper Dataphile Software
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ____ Zip: ________
Phone Number: _____ - _____ - _______________
CompuServe User ID (if applicable): _________________________
Where did you hear about Calendar Keeper: ___________________
What type of Computer/Monitor do you have: __________________
[ ] Register Software $33.00
receive the current version of
Calendar Keeper program on diskette
and printed documentation.
Media Type for program diskette
[ ] 3.5" diskette
[ ] 5.25" diskette
All Registered users will be sent notification of any
upgrades to Calendar Keeper as well as other product
literature regarding Dataphile Software products (your
name and address will never be given to any other
company or business for any reason).
Send Registration with check or money order (please do not send
cash) payable to:
Dataphile Software
7058 SandPiper
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002
Registration questions may be mailed to the above address; sent
via Compuserve Mail to PPN [74706,506] or call Dataphile Software
at (616) 327-7811.
Thank you for registering Calendar Keeper!
Copyright 1991 Dataphile Software
All Rights Reserved
≡Calendar Keeper - General Help
This selection opens the 'ViewEdit' window of Calendar Keeper.
The 'ViewEdit' Window is the place where Calendar Events are Added,
Edited, Deleted, Displayed, etc. The Calendar Database named on the
bottom display line will be the active (selected) database in the
ViewEdit window.
Use this selection to tell Calendar Keeper which Event Database you
wish to make the active (selected) database. Event Databases are also
This selection invokes the calendar print (draw) function. The selected
Event Database will be the one which is used by DRAW. Be sure you have
set all of the DRAW options in Program Configuration.
This selection displays another menu where you can select: Change Display
Colors; Change Program Configuration (Setup); Reorganize a Database.
This selection displays Calendar Keeper Registration Information.
You can PRINT a REGISTRATION FORM from here.
≡Calendar Keeper - Maintain Events Help
<Arrows> -Up/Down Arrows move Event List Up/Down one Event at a time
<PGUP> -Move up one screen of Events
<PGDN> -Move down one screen of Events
<A> -Add an Event
<E> -Edit the current Event
<D> -Delete Current Event (prompt displayed if Event part of Group)
<S> -Search for Event Text (Search from current Event to END YEAR)
CTRL-S -Search for Event Text (Search from current Event to END DBASE)
<F> -Find a specific date using mm-dd pattern from Configuration
<HOME> -Go To TOP of current YEAR
CTRL-HOME -Go To TOP of DataBase (First Event chronologically)
<END> -Go To END of current YEAR
CTRL-END -Go To END of DataBase (Last chronological Event)
<F2> -Display PopUp Calendar
<F8> -Find Date Closest to Today's date for YEAR displayed.
<F9> -Display -1 Year. COPY Perm Events if Config Option Set to 'Y'
<F10> -Display +1 Year. COPY Perm Events if Config Option Set to 'Y'
<Q> -Exit (QUIT) ViewEdit function -- <ESC> works too
Event Types: Y - Current Year Only E - Every 'n' Days
P - Permanent M - Monthly on DayofWeek C - Consecutive Days
HelpPage = 3 (Add Events) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Add Events Help
PERMANENT Event - Event Type 'P'
Prompt for month, day, event description.
Event will be copied from year to year whenever <F9> or <F10> are
pressed. Program Configuration 'Copy Perm Events to New Year' must
be set to 'Y' to invoke the COPY function.
CURRENT YEAR ONLY Event - Event Type 'Y'
Prompt for month, day, event description.
Event will not be copied during <F9> or <F10> even if Program
Configuration 'Copy Perm Events to New Year' option is set to 'Y'.
CONSECUTIVE DAYS Event - Event Type 'C'
Prompt for month, (start) day, event description, event duration.
Enter start date and NUMBER of days, and Calendar Keeper will
generate events for each day. Also see Program Configuration option
'Sched Consec Events on Wkends'. If option set to 'N', then a 4 day
event starting on a Thursday will schedule like Thur, Fri, Mon, Tue.
Calendar Keeper - Add Events Help
EVERY 'n' DAYS - Event Type 'E'
Prompt for month, (start) day, event description, interval, end date.
End date must be in same year as current ViewEdit year.
Will schedule Event on intervals of 'n' days (i.e. every 4 days).
This Event type also uses the Program Configuration option 'Sched Consec
Events on Wkends'. If option set to 'N' then an 'every 3 day' event
starting on Wednesday will schedule as Wed, Mon, Thu, Tue, etc.
MONTHLY ON DAY - Event Type 'M'
Use to schedule Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday of November.
SINGLE MONTH 'M' events will copy during <F9> and <F10>.
HelpPage = 4 (Permanent and Current Year Only Event) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Event Add Help
PERMANENT Event - Event Type 'P'
Prompt for month, day, event description.
Event will be copied from year to year whenever <F9> or <F10> are
pressed. Program Configuration 'Copy Perm Events to New Year' must
be set to 'Y' to invoke the COPY function.
CURRENT YEAR ONLY Event - Event Type 'Y'
Prompt for month, day, event description.
Event will not be copied during <F9> or <F10> even if Program
Configuration 'Copy Perm Events to New Year' option is set to 'Y'.
PERMANENT and CURRENT YEAR ONLY Events are entered & work the same
except that the Current Year Only events are 'one-time' events.
Permanent events will propogate from year to year unless DELETED by
HelpPage = 5 (Consecutive Days) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Event Add Help
CONSECUTIVE DAYS Event - Event Type 'C'
Prompt for month, (start) day, event description, Event duration.
Event Duration may extend into the NEXT calendar year.
Enter start date and NUMBER of days, and Calendar Keeper will
generate events for each day.
This event type is excellent for scheduling such things as a VACATION
which last for an entire week or several weeks.
Also see Program Configuration option 'Sched Consec Events on Wkends.'
For instance, if option set to 'N', then a 4 day event starting on
a Thursday will schedule like Thur, Fri, Mon, Tue.
If Option set to 'N' then a 2 week vacation might be scheduled by starting
on the first Monday, and scheduling for 10 days (M,T,W,T,F and M,T,W,T,F).
If Option set to 'Y' then a 2 week vacation might be scheduled by starting
on the first Saturday and scheduling for 14 days (all days both weeks).
HelpPage = 6 (Every 'n' Days) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Event Add Help
EVERY 'n' DAYS Event - Event Type 'E'
Prompt for month, (start) day, event description, interval, end date.
End date must be in same year as current ViewEdit year.
Will schedule Event on intervals of 'n' days (i.e. every 3 days).
This Event type also uses the Program Configuration option 'Sched Consec
Events on Wkends'. If option set to 'N' then an 'every 3 day' event
starting on Wednesday will schedule as Wed, Mon, Thu, Tue, Fri, Wed, etc.
If option set to 'Y' then an 'every 3 day' event starting on Wednesday
will schedule as Wed, Sat, Tue, Fri, Mon, Thu, Sun, etc.
To schedule an Event that occurs EVERY WEEK ON THE SAME DAY (with 'Sched
Consec Events on Wkends' set to 'Y') set the interval to 7 days (if option
set to 'N' then interval would be 5 days). I.E. every 7 days (or every
5 week days).
HelpPage = 7 (Monthly on WeekDay) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Event Add Help
MONTHLY ON DAY - Event Type 'M'
Prompt for month, day of week, occurance in month, end month.
Use to schedule Events such as Thanksgiving on the 4th Thursday of
November, or perhaps an Event which you wish to schedule for the
first Tuesday of every month.
Calendar Keeper prompts for a (start) month (i.e. November), a day-of-week
(i.e. Thursday), which occurance in month (i.e. the 1st, 2nd .. 5th),
an (end) month (i.e. November for SINGLE occurance) and then the Event
text (i.e. Thanksgiving Day).
SINGLE MONTH Type 'M' events will copy during <F9> and <F10>. That is,
Thanksgiving (a single occurance 'M' event) will be copied to the prior
year <F9> or to the next year <F10>, but an event scheduled for the
second Wednesday of each month from Feb to May will NOT be copied during
<F9> or <F10>.
HelpPage = 8 (Select Database) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Calendar Database Select Help
To create a new calendar database select one of the 'Unused' databases
by pressing its number (i.e. 0 thru 9). Calendar Keeper will prompt you
for a new name for the new calendar database. Once named, the database
will be created and will become the current (selected) calendar.
To select a calendar database which has already been named simply type
its number (i.e. 0 thru 9). Calendar Keeper will prompt with a <U>se,
<R>ename or <D>elete request. Press <U> to make that database the
current (selected) calendar. Press <R> to change the NAME of that
database (this has no effect on the data contained in the database).
Press <D> to delete the database (confirmation required). Once deleted
a calendar database is lost forever and cannot be retrieved.
Database #0 (originally named the 'Default Database') can be <U>sed and
<R>enamed but it can not be deleted!
HelpPage = 9 (Program Util) Help FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Program Defaults / Utilities Help
This selection displays all colors supported by your display screen and
prompts for your preferences. Press <W> to set the WINDOW color for popup
windows; press <M> to set the color for MENU selection screens; press <I>
to set the color for INTENSIFIED display.
For the most 'eye pleasing' results you should choose all three color
selections from the same 'row' in the selection list (that is, they
should all be the same background color).
This option displays all user selectable program options. Most are toggle
switches which flip/flop from "Y" to "N" when they are selected.
For more detailed Program Configuration help see the User Manual or select
the "P" (Set Up Program Configuration) option and then press <F1>.
Calendar Keeper - Program Defaults / Utilities Help
You should NEVER have to select this option! Your Calendar Databases are
automatically reorganized when they are loaded (if needed). However if
you perform a substantial amount of maintenance on a database which
includes DELETING a large number of events, then you can IMMEDIATELY
recover the empty 'slots' by selecting this option.
The 'threshold' for Automatic Reorganization is when 10% of a database is
deleted. Automatic Reorganization will occur when the database is LOADED.
This selection prompts you for the YEAR of the data you wish to delete
Note: any events which originated as a result of a <F9> or <F10> from the
View/Edit window (see the 'Copy Perm Events to New Year' Option of Program
Configuration) will NOT be re-created. The <F9> and <F10> copy function
works ONLY ONCE for any given event (the event is flagged as having its
copy activity completed and this flag is never reset).
HelpPage = 10 (Calendar Draw Menu) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Calendar Draw Menu Help
See PROGRAM CONFIGURATION to review options which affect Calendar Draw.
All calendar types can be printed with or without event data included.
Calendars printed without event data are 'EMPTY' calendars which can be
used for planning, note taking, display, etc.
If event-print is selected, the currently SELECTED calendar database
will be used. See Main Menu Option '(2) Select Database to Use'.
Prints a Wall Calendar filling in the 'boxes' associated with each date
with the events from the currently SELECTED Calendar.
Prints a one page report with a single week's data. This report leaves
plenty of room to add notes as neccessary to schedule your week.
Prints the entire year's events as a three column report. Columns 1 and 3
margin the report with the inset calendars of each month of the year.
The center column contains the year's events printed as a list.
HelpPage = 11 (Wall Calendar Selection Draw) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Wall Calendar Draw Options Screen
WALL Calendar
To print a wall calendar you must enter the desired START MONTH,
the START YEAR, and the NUMBER OF MONTHS desired for print.
Calendar Keeper will prompt for the current month and year, and will
suggest printing only one calendar month. Any of these options can
be changed as you wish.
When entering the MONTH, you may type a number followed by the <ENTER>
key, or the first three letters of the month name. For instance, if
Calendar Keeper suggests the month of (JAN) you may overtype the 'J'
with the number '4' followed by <ENTER>. Calendar Keeper will change
the display to reflect your selection of (APR).
HelpPage = 12 (Week at a Glance Draw) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Week at a Glance Calendar Draw Options
To print a Week-at-a-Glance calendar you will be required to enter the
desired START MONTH, the START WEEK, and the NUMBER OF WEEKS desired.
Calendar Keeper will use the currently displayed YEAR in the VIEW\EDIT
screen (selection #1 from the Main Menu) as the year for your Draw
To select the desired start week Calendar Keeper will display a
calendar for the month you selected and request you to identify the
appropriate week. This will then be your START WEEK. You can print up
to 5 weeks at the same time starting with the selected START WEEK.
HelpPage = 13 (Year at a Glance Draw) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Year at a Glance Calendar Draw Options
The Year-at-a-Glance calendar uses the currently displayed YEAR from the
VIEW\EDIT screen (selection #1 from Main Menu) as the year for Draw. START
and END months are prompted to limit the range of events on your report.
The printed report is a 'three column' report which is bordered by
calendars representing the months of the selected year. The center
column contains event data. The top of such a report might look like
'ABC Corp Events' 1991
January 1991 July 1991
TUE 01-01 New Year's Day
1 2 3 4 5 TUE 01-01 Party at 9:00 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WED 01-02 Lunch with client 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FRI 01-05 Info Proj Deadline 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MON 01-08 Vaction this Week! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
27 28 29 30 31 TUE 01-09 Leave for Hawaii 28 29 30 31
HelpPage = 14 (Print Dest) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Printer Destination Help
Three Printer Destinations are available: Print to Printer, Screen, or
File (will print to the File Name designated in selection 5 on this screen).
In order to simplify the 'preview' mode (print to screen), the print preview
option always prints WALL CALENDARS in 80-column mode. This means
that calendar events are cut-off after 10 characters in order to fit them
on the screen. This does NOT affect your actual event data. Also, this
will only occur when previewing a WALL CALENDAR on your screen.
Selection #4 exits without printing a calendar ( <Q>uit works too ).
Selection #5 opens a text window for File Print specification. File names
may include a drive designation (i.e. A:MYCALNDR.PRN). Remember that
Calendar Keeper will imbed all necessary printer-control-characters for the
selected printer type. This file may then be printed later by 'copying' it
to a printer. For instance, at the DOS prompt enter the following
The 'selected' printer can be changed in the Program Configuration screen
which is selection #2 on the 'Program Defaults / Utilities' menu.
Calendar Keeper - Printer Destination Help
More about Program Configuration as it relates to calendar printing:
Also in Program Configuration is a toggle switch to APPEND (add to end of)
or OVER-WRITE (replace original) the Print File (if printing to a file).
In either case, a NEW Print File will be created if one does not already
exist by that name. The Append/OverWrite status is displayed on the bottom
of the Print Destination screen.
See the Program Configuration screen or Calendar Keeper manual for discussion
of many other Configuration Parameters which may be tailored by you that
affect calendar print. There are 12 options in Program Configuration which
should be reviewed (you can take the defaults at first but may wish to change
them later).
HelpPage = 15 (Program Configuration) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 1 of 7)
A. CALENDAR BORDERS: This option toggles between GRAPHICS and ASTERISK.
Some printers will not support the use of 'extended ascii characters'
which are required to print real 'boxes' for wall calendars. If your
printer prints garbage during the print of a WALL CALENDAR then change
this option to ASTERISK. Calendar Keeper will then border Wall Calendar
days with asterisks (i.e. ******) which ANY printer is capable of.
B. EJECT PAGE AFTER DRAW: Y/N Toggle to send a form feed to your printer
after printing a page. If set to NO then a form feed will NOT be sent.
C. PRINT DAYS PASSED/REMAINING: This Y/N toggle affects Wall Calendars only.
If set to YES Calendar Keeper will print the number of days
passed/remaining relative to the current date for each of the year.
i.e. 32/334 for Februay 1st .. the 32nd day of the year.
D. PREV/NEXT MTH CALENDAR FOOTER: Y/N toggle. If set to YES Calendar
Keeper will print inset calendars at the bottom of the page for the
previous/next months relative to the current month.
i.e. Prints January and March as footer for February Calendar.
Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 2 of 7)
E. PRINT CALNDR NAME ON CALENDAR: Y/N toggle prints the calendar name (the
name which appears at the bottom of your screen as SELECTED CALENDAR)
during calendar print if set to YES.
F. SCHED CONSEC EVENTS ON WKENDS: Y/N toggle affects ADD operation for
Consecutive-Days events. If set to YES Calendar Keeper will schedule
Consec events during all 7 days of the week. If set to NO Calendar
Keeper will NOT schedule consec events on weekends. For instance a 5-day
event starting on a Thursday will be scheduled on THU,FRI,MON,TUE,WED.
A two week conference might be scheduled as starting on MON for 10 days.
Calendar Keeper would schedule this as MON thru FRI, MON thru FRI for
two weeks in a row.
G. PROMPT CURRENT MTH DURING ADD: Y/N toggle affects ADD operation for all
event types. If YES, Calendar Keeper will fill in the MONTH prompt with
the current calendar month (this can be overtyped as desired). If NO,
Calendar Keeper will require you to fill in the MONTH each time.
Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 3 of 7)
H. MAX EVENTS IN A DATABASE: Initially set to 100, this option is limited
only by your computer's memory. If you attempt to set it too high you
will be warned by Calendar Keeper. This option can be changed even for
existing databases, but can NOT be set lower than the number of events
in your largest database (Calendar Keeper will monitor this for you).
I. DISPLAY MONTH-DAY AS: Toggles between mm-dd and dd-mm for your preference.
Affects display in View/Edit window as well as <F>indDate display.
The only report affected is the Year-at-a-Glance report.
J. MONTH/DAY SEPARATOR CHARACTER: Initially set to '-' the dash character
you can change this to any other character. Affects screen display only.
K. COPY PERM EVENTS TO NEW YEAR: Y/N toggle is invoked when <PF9> or <PF10>
is pressed while in the View/Edit window of 'Maintain Calendar Events'.
If set to YES Calendar Keeper will scan the event database and will COPY
a duplicate event to the next year (up or down one year based upon your
selection of <PF9> or <PF10>). For instance, if you have a PERM event
for JAN 1, 1991 and press <PF10> Calendar Keeper will automatically create
a PERM event for 1992 with the same event date and description.
Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 4 of 7)
L. EVENT TEXT LENGTH 10/17 CHARS: Toggles between 10 and 17 characters. This
option sets the length of the event description which is input during an
ADD operation. Obviously this option affects ALL reports since it limits
the size of your event text. The ONLY reason why you might choose to use
the 10 CHAR option is if you printer is unable to print in a 17 cpi mode.
If you select 'DOS Text Printer' in configuration option 'P' then you
should select a length of 10 since Text printers are not capable of
producing compressed print.
M. PRINT DESTINATION: Toggles between LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 when selected.
N. PRINT TO FILE: Works just like selection #5 in the 'Print Destination'
screen during calendar DRAW. When selected, a window opens where you
may enter a File-Spec for the Print-to-File option. File names may
include a drive designation (i.e. A:MYCALNDR.PRN). Remember that Calendar
Keeper will imbed all necessary printer-control-characters for the
selected printer type (you set the printer type in selection 'P' below).
This file may then be printed later by 'copying' it to a printer.
For instance, at the DOS prompt you might enter the following
Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 5 of 7)
option relates to the PRINT TO FILE option 'N' above. When in OVERWRITE
Calendar Keeper will REPLACE the designated print-to-file file-spec if
one is present by that name. In APPEND mode Calendar Keeper will
ADD-TO-THE-END of the print-to-file file-spec if one is present by that
name. The APPEND option is useful if you wish to print more than one
calendar which will be 'copied' to a printer at a later time (perhaps
a printer not attached to this computer).
Use of the 'DOS Text Printer' assumes 10 character event length. 17 char
event descriptions will be truncated to 10 during print operation. This
does NOT affect the actual events which are stored in your database.
R. PROMPT FOR PRINTER READY: Y/N toggle, if set to YES will prompt you before
starting a print operation. If you print more than one calendar at the
same time, Calendar Keeper will prompt you BETWEEN EACH PAGE. This is
useful for sheet feeder type printers which have to be manually loaded.
Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 6 of 7)
PRINTER MARGIN CONTROL: Some printers have built in margins (such as the
Laser Jet) for top, bottom and sides which may cause your report to not
center properly on the physical page.
The following options help you to control 'centering' during calendar
draw. They affect the WALL CALENDAR ONLY.
S. TOP MARGIN LINES: The number of lines between the top of the physical page
and the top of your printed report. Print density (10 cpi, 17 cpi, etc)
has NO affect on this setting. Calendar Keeper does not alter the number
of LINES per inch during print.
T. LEFT MARGIN CHARACTERS: The number of characters between the left edge of
the physical page and the left-most character of your printed report.
Keep in mind that the number of characters for indent will depend on the
print density used. That is, if your printer supports 17 cpi then it
takes 17 characters to indent an inch. If you use a printer that does
not support 17 cpi (such as the DOS Text Printer) then it only takes
10 characters to indent an inch (in 10 cpi mode).
Calendar Keeper - Program Configuration Help (Page 7 of 7)
U. SQUEEZE CALNDR TOP-TO-BOT: Y/N toggle; this switch affects the Wall
Calendar ONLY. Set this switch to YES if your Wall Calendar OVERFLOWS
the page during a draw. This MAY happen if your printer has a built-in
top/bottom margin during the print of a 6-week month (a 30-31 day month
where the first day falls on a Friday or Saturday).
Another option you may choose to experiment with is the 'Print Calndr Name
on Calendar' option. Setting this option to NO saves you two lines of
print on the output calendar.
HelpPage = 16 (Delete Year) FOLLOWS
≡Calendar Keeper - Delete Events for ENTIRE Calendar Year - Help Screen
This selection prompts you for the YEAR of the data you wish to DELETE
Calendar Keeper will suggest the previous year (i.e. it will suggest the
year 1991 if you select this option during the year 1992) but you may
change this to any year you wish including the current year.
Note: any events which originated as a result of a <F9> or <F10> from the
View/Edit window (see the 'Copy Perm Events to New Year' Option of Program
Configuration) will NOT be re-created. The <F9> and <F10> copy function
works ONLY ONCE for any given event (the event is flagged as having its
copy activity completed and this flag is never reset).
Also Note: Once deleted your calendar data will be IRRETRIEVABLY LOST.
There is NO WAY to recover the data for the year you delete; except of
course, to key it back in again.
End of Calendar Keeper Help File